Porsche 912 Resources & Links

To add an item to the list , email a short description, URL, and your contact info.   No auction listings please.   

The 912 Registry  - The Registry of 912 Owners with links, ads, and other info

Discussion Groups and Related Sites

The NEW 912 BBS - Northwest - Southern Cal - SF Bay Area - Texas  -  Southeast

Dave's 912 Pages  - Lots of good info on repair projects, and Dave's wonderful pictures

The 912 Rendezvous - See you in August!

The UK 912 Registry - Nice site - these guys are on the right side of the road!

Lone Star 912 BBS  - Morrie and friends put together a lot of info and friendly chat

Pelican 912 Forum  - 912 discussion at Pelican Parts

Roadfly 912 Board 

DDK 912 Forum - Porsche discussion group in Germany

912 FAQ Under Development

Cars and Parts for Sale

912 Registry

Roadfly 912s for Sale

Ebay 912s for sale

Nicholas Moss UK Porsche Cars / Parts

Parts, Tuning, and other Porsche Sites of interest

Porsche History (Thank you Noah !)

Parts Obsolete  Gary Emory - (503) 835-2300  (a 912BBS sponsor!)

Classic & Speed Parts    Will (626) 445-0108  (a 912BBS sponsor!)

HCP Research - Harry Pellow - the Maestro

Dave Hillman's 912 Pages

Shasta Design - Duane Spencer

Harry Bieker Engineering - THE source for Solex Carb rebilding

NW Connecting Rod –  206 763-2487 (no web site)

Pelican 911/912 Parts

Gold Line Brakes - Seattle source for caliper rebuilds, better than new  (877) 347-2225

Carb Kits - A source for Solex parts and information

Jerry Woods Racing - Bay Area Porsche engine guy

Britain Smith's Type 4 Pages - Headers, engine accessories, etc.

356 Registry Tech Page - a WEALTH of information

Markham Motorworks - Burbank, CA  Larry Markham will overhaul your ignition keyswitch. 818 848 4554  (no web page)

Solex Tech Page from the 356 Registry

Competition Engineering - Porsche Engine machine shop expert in Lake Isabella, CA

Ollie's Machine - the "Old School" Porsche machine shop Santa Ana, CA 1-714-558-7334

AutoLectrics, Campbell, CA, (408) 559-3540  The best rebuilder / repair facility for your starter or generator

Jet-Hot - High temperature coatings

Elephant Racing has  poly-bronze bushings for front and rear suspension

Aardvark International the source  for Talbot mirrors

Mainely Custom by Design - top quality sump plates, dipstick thermometer, strut brace, etc.

Autos International - best source for replacement interiors and materials.

Stoddard Imported Cars. Dealer owned by Porsche NA.  If they don't have it - you need to MAKE it.

PAP-Parts  Check out their reproduction tool kit !

Early 911S Registry


Route 30 Classics

Wheel Refinishing - Harry Weidman

ElevenParts  A Porsche Collector / Enthusiast from Switzerland

EASY Porsche Auto Dismantlers  Jim at (510) 653-3279

Parts Heaven - Porsche Dismantlers  Spencer (800) 767-7250

Gunnar Racing - (Largest Porsche racing and restoration facility outside of Porsche AG

Charlie White's Brochures and technical literature

356 Registry Vendor Links

912/911 Interior Parts

912/911 Rubber Trim

SCAT Porsche Cranks and Etc

Web Cam Porsche Camshafts

Pertronix Ignition

912 Wiring Harnesses

Porsche Wheel Weights

Bosch <=> NGK Spark Plug Cross Reference

Weber Carbs Direct  Weber carbs, parts, and accessories

Pierce Manifolds Weber carbs, parts, and accessories

CB Performance Weber Carbs, parts, and accessories

Weber Carbs Technical Pages & Application Notes

K & N Filters

Greg's Porsche Repair Manuals


Repair Procedures

Rear Wheel Bearing Overhaul by Sterling V

Door Hanging & Removal by Brian Longhill

Valve Adjustment

Setting Ignition Timing

Weber IDF Tuning / Synchronization

Weber IDF Overhaul Procedure

Even More Weber Info

Generator & Regulator Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting 912 Electrical Problems Some Helpful Hints!

Deck Height Adjustment  Thanks to Walt @ Competition Engineering

Shift Linkage Adjustment

Swing Plate Bushing Replacement and Ride Height Adjustment

James' 901 transmission rebuild article      

Pelican's transmission repair article

Last updated 19 May '04  Linkmeister Mark Petry